Associação Moçambicana de Reciclagem

Pemba acolhe primeira capacitação para fortalecer as Organizações da Sociedade Civil

A cidade de Pemba, em Cabo Delgado, recebeu esta segunda-feira, pela primeira vez, uma capacitação voltada para o fortalecimento das capacidades das Organizações da Sociedade Civil (OSC’s) e promover a sua participação efectiva nas decisões do Estado para a protecção do meio ambiente. O evento teve lugar na Sala de Reunião da PIRCOM (Plataforma Inter-Religiosa na Comunicação pela Saúde) e contou com a participação de várias organizações locais e nacionais, incluindo AMEC-Rural, JOMAS, AJA, SUHURA HELP, ACRESI, ASSEC, UKHAVIHERA, UAPDSH, entre outras. A capacitação foi organizada pela Associação Moçambicana de Reciclagem (AMOR) e teve como objectivo principal o desenvolvimento de competências nas áreas de gestão organizacional e de gestão de projectos. Durante a formação, os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de partilhar experiências sobre os desafios enfrentados na implementação de projectos, discutindo tanto os casos de sucesso como os de insucesso. A troca de ideias revelou-se enriquecedora, com exemplos práticos de projectos que não atingiram os resultados desejados. O debate focou-se nas principais causas dessas falhas e procurou explorar soluções para garantir que futuras iniciativas sejam mais bem-sucedidas. A AMEC-Rural e a AMOR foram as organizações responsáveis pela facilitação da capacitação, que se revelou bastante proveitosa, dado o elevado nível de participação e o grande interesse demonstrado pelos presentes. Os participantes, que já aguardavam com expectativa esta formação, destacaram a importância de uma gestão mais estratégica e eficiente, especialmente em tempos de desafios e limitações de recursos.

Município de Pemba unido pela sustentabilidade no Dia Mundial da Limpeza

Realizou-se hoje, na Praia do Inus, na cidade de Pemba, em Cabo Delgado, uma exposição de materiais produzidos pelos eco clubes, juntamente com uma acção de limpeza em comemoração ao Dia Mundial da Limpeza. Esta iniciativa visa sensibilizar a comunidade para a preservação do meio ambiente e promover práticas sustentáveis. Os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer os projectos dos eco-clubes e colaborar na limpeza da praia.

10th Anniversary – Acknowledgment Note

The Mozambican Recycling Association celebrates its 10th anniversary today. AMOR thanks all its financiers, partners, collaborators and the public in general for being part of this journey to promote recycling and environmental preservation in Mozambique. To all, our THANK YOU.

Summary of Activities – March – Pemba

Under the Pemba Recicla project, funded by ENI, implemented by the Associação Moçambicana de Reciclagem in Pemba, during March the following activities were implemented: 1 . Meeting with the direction of the Paquitequete Primary School On the 1st of March, AMOR along with the 2 members of ENI held a meeting with the direction of Paquitequete Primary School, where the Pemba Recicla project is currently being implemented, with the aim of presenting the project and the its objectives, request for the availability of a space for the sessions and 40 students, 2 teachers and 2 cleaning assistants. The first meeting between School and AMOR was the first step towards the beginning of activities at Paquitequete Primary School, and the questions and concerns that were posed by the board of the school were answered. 2 . First Session of the Environment Club at Paquitequete Primary School On March 15, the first session of the Environmental Club (CAC) of the Paquitequete School was held. The session took place with an AMOR animator, the presence of 36 students, two teachers (focal points) and the direction of the school. The purpose of this first contact with the students was to introduce AMOR to CAC members, elect Club leaders, and also introduce the concepts of 3R’s and Sustainability. The students were very receptive to the information and showed pure interest in the new activities that would be added to their agendas. The election of their leaders was carried out peacefully under the voting process, and at the suggestion of the students themselves, a new position of “Head of Hygiene” was added to the others who intend to run the CAC. 3. Session on Climate Change On March 22, AMOR was with the students of the Club of the Environment and Citizenship of the Primary School of Pequitequete, holding another session, this one on Climate Change. During the session, practical exercises of solid waste management were carried out for resilience and adaptation to natural events. A lecture was given on climate change that referred to issues such as the occurrence of Cyclone IDAI in Sofala Province, the main natural events in Pemba, and the impact of natural events, the vulnerability of the neighborhood of Paquitequete and the management of waste. The demonstration of the difference in the impact of rainfall in vulnerable and non-vulnerable areas was based on recycled material and left students interested in the new way of learning. 4. First session of Recycling PET bottles with CAC students On March 30th, the first session of PET bottle recycling was held with the CAC students of Paquitequete Primary School. The session served to talk to students about the concept of recycling, what is recyclable material and the patented benefits of recycling in the environment. As a way of putting them to practice, the students had the task of in groups to produce a decoration vessel made from a plastic PET bottle.  

Waste Management – PEMBA

[barre] The Concern Universal Mozambique invited AMOR (Mozambican Association of Recycling), under the PRODEM program (Development Program in Mozambique), to organize a workshop on the waste management of Pemba. The workshop took place on the 08th and 09th of setember, in Pemba city in Cabo Delgado Province. With about 50 participants from very different horizon: – waste Collectors of Pemba – Members of the Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM) – Members of SAMCom (two members for each of the 12 districts) – Municipality representatives of Pemba (director of Salubrity, advisor to the President of the Municipal Council) – PRODEM Representatives – Concern Universal Representatives The aim was to train members of neighborhoods to monitoring the waste management plan, to organize primary collection, handicrafts made by waste and produce coal from organic waste through programming lectures, debates and crafts workshops. First of all AMOR would like to thank CONCERN for the invitation, the fundamental condition for this event, at municipal Council of Pemba and especially the town council of Climate Change and Sanitation for the support and kindness to give space for the realization of ours activities, for MULEIDE for all the support given, ours thanks. Extensively our greatest appreciation goes to the participants for their involvement and all will our KICHUKURO! Heat and 1, and 2, and 3 … cheer