Associação Moçambicana de Reciclagem

Environmental Awareness and Waste Purchasing Pilot Activities

On September 9, 2023, AMOR and its partners HelpCode, ProgettoMondo and AseS and Cooperativa de Educação Ambiental-Repensar carried out pilot Environmental Awareness and Waste Purchase activities that resulted in the purchase of 4,790. 15 kg of various types of waste (plastic, glass, paper, metals, used clothes, fishing nets, buoys) using the KOLEKT electronic application to record the purchase and monitoring operations in the town of Macaneta, Marracuene district, with the aim of protecting the coast and marine resources.
The above-mentioned activities served to mobilize the community to take part in the celebrations for World Clean-up Day, which this year will be held on 16 September as part of the Macaneta for All: Integrated Coastal Resource Management for Economic and Social Empowerment project, funded by Italian Cooperation for the period 2023 to 2025.[barre]
